Very interesting little short
2 May 2004
The cast and crew of the film The Usual Suspects talk about the character of Keyser Söze in terms of how the character was named, the confusion that the complex script created for the actors during shooting and the challenge faced by the film in actually managing to convince an audience that their understanding of the character of Verbal Kint was completely wrong - but do it in a way that is impacting and immediate.

Around about 1 minute into this film I learned that the word Söze is Turkish for `talks too much' and essentially points to the person who is Verbal Kint. From this point on I never got any one fact that was more impacting to me that this one but I still very much enjoyed this short film as it was full of little stories and bits of insight from the making. Despite the title, the film is more about an element of the making of the film rather than the character himself and, in this regard it is interesting.

The interviews reveal the onset confusion over the correct pronunciation of Söze's name, the confusion that existed by the actors not really knowing if they were Söze or not, as well as the more technical aspects of how the film put ideas across in different ways. It all sounds quite ordinary but the contributions are all very interesting - Spacey is particularly good and is supported by comments from his fellow actors regarding his performance and the importance of perspective in the film.

Overall this is only one of many little shorts on a great special edition DVD and this short doesn't cover a great deal of ideas but it is full of interesting little stories and it really benefits from the whole cast contributing concise and interesting ideas. Not worth buying the DVD for but well worth watching more than once.
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