This drama has made me fall in love with Aaron Ashmore.
27 July 2004
I was expecting something a bit above mediocre. I was expecting the gay issue not to be taken seriously. I was even preparing to be disappointed.

This dramatization of the Marc Hall story has risen so far above my expectations, I can't even measure it. It was delightful. Witty, funny, dramatic, touching, and moving are all words to describe this picture. It was definitely a feel-good film.

I was especially scrutinizing Aaron Ashmore's performance. Assuming, of course, that he's straight, I watched his ability to genuinely play a gay teenager. I watched the gay part, and the teenager part. Both were just about flawless.

He had a youthfulness in his eyes, and he moved with the energy of youth. The smiles were bright and genuine. But maybe I'm just gushing. :)

The gay part wasn't perfect, obviously, but it was pretty damned near so. Every time his character was supposed to be looking at his boyfriend with love in his eyes, I could see real joy in Aaron's eyes and a genuine smile on his face. It amazed me, really. He was very happy-go-lucky, and played his part very sincerely.

I guess that's what pleases me most. I was really able to believe that Aaron was a very tall, very nicely built, very studly, gay teenager fighting for nothing more - and nothing less - than his right to be equal. And, of course, his right to dance with his boyfriend at his prom.

I thought the ending was perfect. It wasn't missing anything, except maybe the prom scene could've been shown in more detail. Maybe have a few conversations with people during the prom.

All's well that ends well, and this fairy tale certainly ended well.

Aaron, if EVER you read this, you did an awesome job. You played someone guys could easily fall in love with. And fall I did. Call me! :)
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