Review of Profit

Profit (1996–1997)
broadcast before its time
15 October 2004
Profit was simply AMAZING! I never saw this show when it first came out years ago but I recently got a hold of all the eps and I LOVED IT!! The first thing that came to my mind was that it was ahead of its time. I guess back in 96 or 97, the country just wasn't into this show. But if this show were released today, it would just blow your mind! I would hope some network (how about the original network, FOX?) picks it up and continues it as it relates to today's world? How can people not get this show even if you're not the corporate type? If a show like Desperate Housewives can become a huge hit today, I don't see why this show cannot! I hope somebody consequential reads all these comments from "Profit" fans and picks up this show! Jim Profit is the ultimate antagonist and I for one, would watch this show regularly to the end! LET IT LIVE, DAMMIT!
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