Racist "comedy"? Very much so.
18 October 2004
If you ever want to figure out whether a film is racist, the only thing you need to do is turn the roles around and think about whether Jesse "Shakedown artist" Jackson or Al "race-baitor" Sharpton will come and protest the studio that produced the film and the theaters that are showing it.

So does this film pass the "racist test"? Yes, it does and it is a racist film. It's unbelievable how ridiculously insulting this film is to White people. And it doesn't make Black people look too good either.

It's not even funny, it's just a stupid racist film that should never have seen the light of day. Anyone that actually put money out of their pocket to see this film should have an easy time in Small Claims Court to sue and get their money back. This movie was a flop and justifiably so. It was horribly bad. The script was simply lame and the plot was moronic. Everyone associated with this film should be put out of business forever.

Do not waste your time with this trash.
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