The Brooke Ellison Story (2004 TV Movie)
Spoiler a little. Life is harder than mine sometimes...
25 October 2004
Warning: Spoilers
This has spoilers. I first heard about it on the radio. I decided to watch it. I learned that it can be had sometimes. Her mother has to do everything for her. But she was really smart also. She probably missed so much school and she still graduated from Harvard. She was paralyzed neck down and she had so much support from her family. When I was born, I had been born with one leg shorter than the other. I can still walk, and do things like anyone else, except I walk with a limp. I get teased a lot from it. I did not see anybody teasing her about it. She was very open to telling people her reason for being in a wheel chair. I thought that it was very nice of her to be in the open and not be afraid. I still sometimes do not have the nerve to say anything. She was a very smart girl that had so much dedication and she did not let this get to her. She was not prepared for this to happen, and it changed her life forever. She led an amazing life after the accident and look where it has taken her. Awesome movie.
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