Review of The Grid

The Grid (2004)
3 November 2004
This was a powerful series. Well-acted, Well-written. I disagree with people who say Julianna Margulies was out of her element, her character Merrin was just the type of woman you want in the government tough, smart, and strong-willed. Dylan McDermot was good as the Special Agent in-charge of New York's Joint terrorism taskforce. My favorite character was Jemma Redgrave's Emily Tuthill. Jemma was an actress I had never seen before she gave a very powerful performance especially toward the end in her scenes with the actor who played Reza, the CIA analyst turned field agent. Anyone that feels that Emily and Reza's scenes were out of place in a serious drama, I say well love, intimacy, and the beginnings of a strong relationship can be born under stranger circumstances.

In terms of Screen writing the strongest character relationship were the scenes between Maren and under mentor Former Secretary of State Jay Aldrich played by Robert Forester. When Aldrich describes Maren as being cool under pressure and well suited for chaos, the audience gets the feeling that Maren was both highly trained and well suited for her position but, written as well as it was, it also communicates that Maren's skills are both battle worn and still highly effective.

The DVD is reasonably priced at 14.00 dollars or so on two discs, with great extras about film and actor's discussing the mindset needed to work in Counterterrorism, buy this powerful miniseries. I would call this a must for anyone interested in Counterterrorism work for the government. I realize that television dramas like "The Agency" and "The Grid" are fictional and not really how working in Counterterrorism is, but "The Grid" made the journey both mildly realistic and entertaining.

At least it gets one interested in learning about the subject matter from non-fiction sources. To begin I suggest reading "Against All Enemies" by former NSC Manager Richard A. Clarke.
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