Insightful Take on Religious Hypocrisy
22 November 2004
Anyone wanting to know why so many people leave church and go where the high times (and big money) is, should see the movie. Especially all the self-righteous religious folk out there in movie land. The film really does depict the small minded, law-bound religious mind-set that lacks the compassion, mercy and caring that personifies Jesus Christ.

Sure, 'The Fighting Temptations' does smack a little of Sister Act, but its evangelical setting makes it far more comparable to Whitney Houston's performance in "The Preacher's Wife." Both films are thoughtful, compassionate studies of the human issues that religious, sometimes (and sometimes not) well meaning people face.

See the movie, and if you haven't already, also see "The Preacher's Wife." Both films are ideal discussion starters for student Christian unions, and of course, the soundtrack is terrific. Does the movie work? Yes. And technically, it is well put together. Is it a bit on the candy-floss side? Sure, a little, but at the same time, the film deals with issues of faith that we ignore at our peril. Verdict? Great entertainment: use with popcorn.

  • If you found this 'mini-review' helpful, then please checkout my full length IMDb reviews, written for post-viewing discussion with live audiences. This postscript added 21st June 2006.
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