Once a Thief (1991)
Trite, boring, un-funny, embarrassing, and most of all -- Overrated.
28 November 2004
I find it ironic the tagline for this movie is "They Only Stop to Reload" since they never actually stop to reload. In the long drawn-out and ridiculous gun fight scenes the bad guys, who have terrible aim, can fire their automatic sub-machine guns for a full minute and never have to reload.

In reality they would only be able to shoot those guns at full-auto for about two seconds. Of course they rarely get the chance to discharge their weapons for more than a few seconds before our good guys knock them off with perfect shots from their pistols. Who are they bad guys? We never really know for sure, and we never really know how they manage to find the bad guys. For instance in one chase scene set in the French Riviera, the chase starts when the bad guys find the good guys camped out on the top of one of the hills towering over the town. The bad guys chase them all the way through town to the waters edge where they are more bad guys waiting for them in boats. Why are the bad guys waiting for them in boats?? who knows?

Who cares?

The whole movie defies any attempt at logic. In fact the whole movie throws logic by the way-side in an attempt to be funny, but most of the jokes fall flat and the whole movie comes off as being lame. One of the few movies I've watched where I was impatiently waiting for the end to come just so I could quit watching it.

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