John and Mary (1969)
What happened?
29 November 2004
It had everything going for it, the hottest young stars of the late sixties, Dustin Hoffman and Mia Farrow, fresh from the successes of the Graduate and Rosemary's Baby. The director had just made the huge hit Bullit and the hopes were very high, the two stars were on the cover of Time magazine!

It was set in swinging New York, nice photography, cool apartments and clothes, it had to be a hit, right?

What went wrong?????? The script, I suppose. They hadn't considered that it had to say something. Instead we are treated to lots of meaningful looks from the leads. Though, they are good looking....

Is it a comedy? Hard to tell, funny it wasn't. In fact it's dullsville! Quite embarrassing at times.

It seems under-rehearsed, as if the actors had only read the script once. Mia Farrow is too mannered doing her little-old-lady-in-a-girls-body routine. Surprisingly Dustin doesn't overact.

This film disappeared from sight. Ms. Farrow hardly mentions it in her biography. Does anyone remember it?
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