This is a really awful movie. Spare yourself the pain.
7 January 2005
I am the kind of viewer who gleefully accepts the jeers of his friends when they see his shelves full of cheesy flicks from both the action and monster genres (and those are right next to some of the finest serious attempts at film making as well mind you). YET... Even with my tolerance of more than a little stupidity in my entertainment, I found this movie to be very nearly unbearable. I only kept watching past the first 15 minutes out of a combination of morbid curiosity regarding just how bad this thing would turn out to be and sheer wonder at how in the world Traci Lords, of all people, wound up being lucky enough to find work but unlucky enough to find THIS work. Poor Traci. The years are treating you well, though. I'll give you that.

The "special" effects are, well, ineffective and the characters are as uncompelling as the almost half-hearted fight scenes are. Not trying to be too picky here, but honestly the wire work is pretty poor too, with slow and unlikely trajectories etc. I've seen work from second rate films made 10 years ago that tops this. The dialog is really absurd, and they really needn't have bothered with the plot they went for since it's so stupid and swallowed up by the copious mediocrity that strikes you at every turn in this piece of garbage. BM2 (a poor sequel to BM no matter what you decide it stands for) doesn't even take much advantage of cute Teresa Herrera, who plays the closest thing to a romantic/titillation role. I've got a sneaking suspicion that she is capable of being good in a movie, but maybe I am just going easy on her because I have a weakness for women in lab coats. Growling, sneering, silly dialog, bad effects, and a dumb story? If you like this kind of stuff, just watch pro "wrestling" for free.
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