25 January 2005
I was lucky enough to have a "mom and pop" video shop in my hometown growing up that had movies like this and "Jailbait Babysitter" among its horror selections. My brother and I have been using the phrase "Gourmet Cuisine", pronounced "goreMET Cuezine" ever since we first saw it. The acting is ridiculously bad, and read in a very deadpan way. I think John Waters shows this one when he wants to provide direction to actors. If you are renting a movie titled "Microwave Massacre" hopefully it means A)you have a campy appreciation for bad movies, or B) You are so stupid that title actually might mean a quality film to you. In either situation, you won't be disappointed. This is so bad it transcends! Check it out if you want to see something, er, unique and stupidly funny!
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