Incredibly awful.
27 February 2005
When Dr.Alan Harker travels to the crumbling estate of his university mentor Dr.Usher,he finds the man plagued by a horrible paranoia-destroyed by his repeated attempts at awakening his comatose daughter.Haunted by ghosts of his dead family members,Dr.Usher is rushing toward madness,with only Harker left to save him.I can easily say that I'm a big fan of Jesus Franco,unfortunately "Revenge in the House of Usher" is breathtakingly awful.Those expecting gore and sex in a Eurohorror title(especially from Franco)will be sorely disappointed,because there is absolutely no nudity or blood in this one.The pacing is horribly slow and there are a lot of 'flashback' scenes taken from Franco's earlier horror classic "The Awful Dr.Orloff".Avoid this piece of stinking crap like the plague.
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