First Strike (1996)
Big on Action.....Small on Kung Fu
2 March 2005
First Strike is not a bad movie, its just not Jackie Chan's best. The plot of this film is sometimes hard to follow because it really doesn't make much sense. However, what this film lacks in plot it more than makes up for in action.

When it comes to action Chan does it better than anyone else in the world. Jackie Chan made classic pure martial arts films in his youth and moved on to action films as he got older. First Strike, like Super Cop or Operation Condor is more of an "action" movie than a pure martial arts movie. First Strike is heavy on stunts and shootouts and explosions and light on martial arts. There are only a few scenes with real Jackie Chan fight sequences, which are outstanding. In First Strike you see Jackie ski, swim with sharks, climb walls, walk on stilts, ramp cars... It is all well done and fun to watch and puts American "action stars" to shame. There are plenty of comical moments in the movie which Jackie always does well.

If you're looking for a great Jackie Chan pure martial arts film, this is not one of them, though it does serve as a good introduction to the world of Chan. If you are a big fan of action and adventure films or you are a die hard Jackie fan, you will enjoy First Strike. If your looking for a classic Chan film, check out Drunken Master, The Legend of Drunken Master, Project A, Police Story or Snake in the Eagle's Shadow. First Strike is a fun and entertaining action film but is light on the ground breaking fight scenes that made Chan a superstar.

Action Rating 9/10

Martial Arts Rating 5/10

Over All Movie Rating 6.5/10
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