Venus in Furs (1969)
MAYBE Franco's best (not saying much, tho)
7 March 2005
Warning: Spoilers
Jimmy Logan (James Darren of "Gidget" and TJ Hooker fame) digs his horn back up (which is deeply symbolic, trust me), then spots a dead woman. He seems to vaguely remember her and flashes back to when he first saw Wanda Reed. He jets to Rio in order to forget about how Wanda was raped and killed, only to find her inexplicably in Rio. The ending is no big surprise as Franco throws hint after hint at the viewer. "The Sixth Sense" this is NOT. However, this is Franco's most accessible and coherent film, while still maintaining the dream-like quality that can be found, albeit in varying degrees, in much of his other work. And while I hesitate to say this is Jess Franco's best film, it IS up there. All the actors give good performances and the film keeps you interested.Plus you get to see Manfred Mann in an ultra-rare movie cameo. But I NEVER want to hear that damn repetitive theme song ever again.

My Grade: C

DVD Extras: Interview with Jess Franco; Audio interview with Maria Rohm; poster and Still galleries; and Theatrical Trailer

Eye Candy: Maria Rohm gets topless on several occasions; Margaret Lee shows her bum; and various extras get topless
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