Lost Opportunity
13 April 2005
Terry Wolfmeyer (Allen), wife and mother of 4 daughters, has to face the life after her husband suddenly disappears, apparently with his secretary, to Sweden. Left alone to raise her daughters, she quickly discovers the comfort of Gin & Tonic, in company of her next-door neighbour Danny (Costner), a once-great baseball star turn radio DJ. The drinking buddies slowly evolve into a relationship, becoming her source of strength in overcoming her husband's defection and concentrating on her daughters again.

While the performance of Costner and Allen are pretty convincing, the story fails to deliver at many points and we are left wondering why we should care. Rich people with rich people's problems. Both Terry and Danny are way too financial secure to convincingly convey any empathy and the most interesting and likable characters, the daughters, don't have the opportunity to fully develop. Even the surprising twist-ending ultimately fails to deliver.

In short it's an absolutely forgettable movie, a lost opportunity. The only highlight is Kevin Costner who has never been so good at being so ordinary.
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