The Pumaman (1980)
Hideously embarrassing trash featuring two clothes-horses masquerading as actors
16 April 2005
Warning: Spoilers
This film seems to be some kind of Italian take/rip-off of the original "Batman" flick. It's obviously not meant to be taken seriously and may be intended for a juvenile audience.

I don't care. I still hate it and everyone associated with it with the burning heat of a thousand suns. The one exception is Donald Pleasance, who is forced to wear a patent leather super villain suit and who, between this film and "Warrior Of The Lost World", is obviously paying some kind of self-imposed penance for his sins. Donald, wouldn't a hair shirt and a cat-o-nine-tails be easier???

The biggest flaw is the casting of the romantic leads. Walter what's-his-face and Synde Rome comprise perhaps the stiffest,least believable romantic couple ever to appear on screen. They are much, much worse than the Rent-A-Center Andy Garcia and the lock-jawed ESL European blond from "Werewolf"; they are even an order of magnitude worse than Punch SideIron and the Grandma-Daughter from "Space Munity". As far as I can tell, there is absolutely no reason for them to "fall in love" (or whatever it is they're doing) except for their both being Barbie Doll fashion models and as shallow as a "WhiteOut" mark. Their romantic dialog and byplay lies there on screen like a steaming turd on a linen tablecloth. I could still almost forgive the film, if this was all that was wrong with it, but...

I would almost talk myself out of despising the film and everyone in it after a romantic scene was done, and then Puma Man would take to the skies in flight footage that made the flying scenes in the "Superman" TV show look like the climactic Death Star Trench Run from Episode IV.

I would almost be able to stop actively wishing for the death of everyone in the film after a flight scene, and then a fight scene would break out and Puma Man would make little claws with his fingers and float around the scene at the speed of a golf cart, or kick someone with the pointed toe of a Capezio loafer.

I would almost able to stop jabbing pins into my Puma Man Voodoo Doll after a fight scene, and then Walter would open his mouth and whine some more.

And every time I calmed down enough to stop hanging Walter in effigy, once he stopped talking, the Casio soundtrack would start up and make me wish for death.

Really, really, really bad. The MST3K take on it is hilarious, but this is a turkey shoot for them, there is so much to jab fun at. Do NOT watch this film without MST3K protection!
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