Duck Soup (1933)
Hail Freedonia!
25 April 2005
In numerous reviews it's almost impossible to resort to reviewing Duck Soup without reverting to clichés of which film is better (Night at the Opera or Duck Soup), and simply just quoting the best Groucho Lines in the film.

In this reviewers opinion, Duck Soup is easily the greatest Marx Brothers movie, as it shows them in their classic Comedy style, and there is nary a thing to bring this film down. The songs are all great tunes without a weepy ballad in sight, everyone is in full form, nary a piece of film is wasted.

This is also easily perhaps better the most continuously funny as the brothers. I've seen all their films on MGM, and this is the only real one that makes me cackle every time, which is even more impressive considering how old the film is.

Hail Freedonia! This is a Comedy Classic!
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