another terrible movie
3 May 2005
Warning: Spoilers
how do movies like this get produced? the only good part about this movie is at the end when busey somehow is ripped limb from limb by a gas truck explosion. most movies that utilize the gas truck blowing up incorporate the person that is soon to be dead, by either throwing him a massive distance from the truck only to die on impact and burn, or they leave the guy to die by way of incineration. this by far is one of the most brutal murders I've seen by way of gas truck...not only do you see the flames ripping through busey's body but somehow his torso, and arms land conveniently in front of that weird woman.

what bothered me about this movie, among other things, is how dumb that woman was. she insisted on handling every weapon(about 20) that busey used. and for what?? so that she could be framed? such a dumb woman. oh and remember, the next time you have a psycho killer chasing you, go to the cops! its a simple concept, but apparently too hard for woman to comprehend.

cops got mowed down in this movie like the storm troopers of old, and no one seemed to care. i think busey single handed kills an entire police station including the sheriff. bad movie, save the amount of time with your life that you would have spent watching this and sleep, trust me.
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