McQueen's Got The Moves
13 May 2005
Steve McQueen is the reason to watch this movie. As some of these recent Docs on McQueen point out, he researched his moves, how to plausibly use his hardware and props and look very cool doing it. Turning his part into something he can omit unnecessary duologue from while he does physical stuff. His Reese is a hardcore guy with no room for nonsense or humor. When the Nick Adams character, a puppy dog native trying to adopt the unit as an ersatz GI, tries to ingratiate himself with Reese, Reese says "If I see you at the front, I'll Kill you myself." With that 1000 mile stare very few tough guys really master. And a goofy detail that I associate with this movie and the McQueen body/instrument. McQueen scrambles over to another foxhole and drops his weight into a perfect glide on his knees coming down the dirt bank. A hiss of contact that is pure grace, pure athleticism. Dumb detail but exactly the kind of stuff you're absorbing while you watch McQueen. I wish Don Siegel could have worked with McQueen on other projects. They both had a larger than life style that still kept it real.
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