Review of Naina

Naina (2005)
An attempt at moving Bollywood horrors to the next level... but not quite successful
22 May 2005
So after all the hype... how good is Naina... the movie that's supposed to take Bollywood (The Indian version of Hollywood) Horror to the next level. To set the context, Bollywood horror is known for its 'icky' style -- relying more on ghoulish sets, and mindless plots -- and less on stuff that jolts the gray cells.

In the movie, Naina is a girl blinded since birth, who gets the chance of getting eyes from a donor. Jumping to the opportunity, the eyes are operated upon, and the surgery is a success. All seems to be going well - until, that is, she realizes that she can now see dead people!

The movie then progresses to give you truckloads heart stopping frames, many of which, though bearing the stamp of typical Bollywood horror flicks, are pulled off well.

At times, the plot seems to bear an uncanny resemblance to 'The Sixth Sense'. Also a bit of 'City of Angels' seems to come in. Further, the story line, though it has its strong points, tends to fall back to typical Bollywood type scripts with needless diversions and some overly sentimental spots.

All in all, if you're in for a horror movie, and don't mind the Bollywood styling... then this would be a good movie to watch!
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