A swashbuckler in the tradition of CAPTAIN BLOOD...but less effective...
22 May 2005
The very fact that Rafael Sabatini's tale is the source for this swashbuckling pirate adventure makes one wish it had the more vivid storyline and qualities of his more famous epic, CAPTAIN BLOOD. But Fox, although they've lavished color and pretty costumes and sets on THE BLACK SWAN, failed to invest it with the same witty script and believable situations.

The performances are all bigger than life, as they should be in this sort of thing. TYRONE POWER makes a dashing figure of Jamie, the pirate seeking to avenge the villainous Leech (an almost unrecognizable GEORGE SANDERS in heavy beard and wig). MAUREEN O'HARA is so authentically feisty in opposing Power's advances that one wonders whether they can ever make up in time for a happy ending. Nevertheless, hers is a one-dimensional role and she gives it no added dimension of warmth but remains an ice princess throughout, much to my disappointment.

The acting is uniformly competent--nothing more--and the entire tone of the more serious moments in the courtrooms makes you wonder whether to simply suspend disbelief or accept it as a tongue-in-cheek pirate adventure. LAIRD CRAIGAR makes an interesting buccaneer but chews the scenery with a vengeance. His energy gives the part believability most of the time but his actions are none too convincing in the final battle scene. THOMAS MITCHELL seems a little out of place as a fellow pirate.

TYRONE POWER and MAUREEN O'HARA make delicious eye candy as a couple, but when one thinks of how similar the same sort of tale was told in CAPTAIN BLOOD, they fail to register as strongly as Errol Flynn and Olivia de Havilland in the glorious old B&W classic. Something in their chemistry is missing. Perhaps they're too combative throughout before the final clinch in the sunset--and that, of course, is the script's fault.

Summing up: Admirers of pirate films will certainly enjoy the ride.
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