Review of Malcolm X

Malcolm X (1992)
Malcolm X: Almost The Truth
26 May 2005
"The nation was founded in the late '20s by traveling salesman Wallace D. Fard, whose preachings combined Islam with an Afrocentric cosmology. He taught that blacks are descended from Shabbaz, a tribe that came from the moon 66 trillion years ago, and that whites were the laboratory concoction of Yakub, an evil scientist."


9/10ths of the way into this movie, I was thinking "I can't believe it. Spike Lee actually has the balls to tell this story truthfully" and expose the Nation of Islam for what it really is: a lying, racists, hate cabal, that murdered Malcolm X.

But just short of the end, he (Spike) just had to throw it in; The Nation Of Islam could not have murdered Malcolm X without help from "The Man". In this case, as usual; the CIA. Forget that there are no actual facts behind this claim, it just NEEDED to be thrown in.

I'm tired of Hollywood re-inventing history. You think the Nation of Islam is just another religious sect? You think Louis Farrakhan is just another " religious" leader? You need to consider that this anti–Semite claims that white people were created in a laboratory in Mecca around the year 1000, and are all decedents of the devil. Look it up, I'm not kidding.

Why is none of this mentioned in the movie, I wonder?
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