Offensive and stupid performance
9 June 2005
I generally HATE the notion of "political correctness". I feel it is every American's first amendment right to say and do almost anything and that people who get offended should just learn to relax! Having said that, it is movies like THIS that encourage PC thought, as the movie has got to be offensive to most Japanese people. Not only did the studio pick an actor who looked COMPLETELY non-Japanese, but his part looked like a live-action version of the old Hoshimoto cartoons (as for his 'method acting', I think Marlon Brando watched dozens of these before attempting the part). Marlon Brando is nearly the Japanese equivalent to Stepin Fetchit. In the 1930s and 40s, it was common for Caucasians to play Asians (such as in the Charlie Chan or Mr. Wong pictures)--it's a shame to see this carry into the 1950s with Teahouse of the August Moon. Plus, his character is even more stereotypical than these earlier roles.

FYI--It's amazing that Brando did this movie, having also done the VERY sensitive movie Sayonara--a movie that really does a lot to humanize the Japanese. Also, for more highly offensive films featuring Westerners ridiculously cast as Asians, try Katherine Hepburn as a Chinese lady in DRAGON SEED, Mickey Rooney as a Japanese man in BREAKFAST AT TIFFANY'S and John Wayne as the Mongol warrior, Genghis Khan in THE CONQUERER. The worst, though, was probably the bright red hairdos of Susan Hayward and Agnes Morehead also from THE CONQUERER--even though they were clearly playing Mongolians!!!
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