Baby's Day Out
20 June 2005
Warning: Spoilers
This comedy from writer John Hughes enters the same territory as Home Alone, with bad guys being humiliated and hurt by the force of kids, and does it nearly as well. Basically Baby Bink Cotwell (twins Adam Robert and Jacob Joseph Worton) has everything he needs, a huge home, a loving mother Laraine (Men in Black II's Lara Flynn Boyle) and father Bennington (Matthew Glave) and his favourite book, read loads of times, "Baby's Day Out", or "boo boo" to him. The parents plan to have the baby's photo taken, and in the process fake photographers and kidnappers Eddie Mauser (The Simpsons' Fat Tony, Joe Mantegna), Norby LeBlaw (Joe Pantoliano) and Veeko Riley (Mars Attacks! actor Brian Haley) take the baby demanding a $5,000,000. Unfortunately Baby Bink escapes, and he follows all the pictures he has memorised in his favourite book, e.g. a pigeon, a taxi, etc, the three bumbling criminals follow and try to get him back, and end up in more painful and comic situations. Also starring Cynthia Nixon as Gilbertine, Fred Dalton Thompson as FBI Agent Dale Grissom, John Neville as Mr. Andrews, Home Alone 2's Eddie Bracken as Old Timer and an unlisted Mike Starr. With a cute baby and some pretty dumb crooks getting hurt and humiliated along the way, you are bound to get a few good giggles, not a bad comedy. Worth watching!
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