good but too short
23 June 2005
Warning: Spoilers
This was a well-made movie about mental illness and its effect not just on the victim but on her loved ones. The only problem I had was that the film was too short! At about 90 minutes, many of the fascinating characters are not allowed to develop--I wanted to see them as the story continued to unwind. Actually, I may be odd, but I was LEAST interested in the schizophrenic woman. Instead, the cold yet loving father who has GREAT difficulty with emotions and the husband who, at least to me, seems to be experiencing some denial (particularly when his father-in-law asked him about whether he wished his wife was dead--on SOME level, everyone in that situation MUST feel that way--his answer was evasive and I wanted to see more). The only one who really confused me was the younger brother. Did he commit incest with his sister towards the end of the movie--it seemed to be mildly implied. If so, this just didn't fit. Or, was this delusion on her part or am I just reading too much into the scene?! Regardless, its a good but difficult to watch film that left me wanting more!
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