Truly amazing performances!
3 July 2005
Warning: Spoilers
The first time I saw "Life as a House", I was pleasantly surprised. I expected the movie to be good, but it turned out to be great. The story is wonderful. It's not completely new, but on the other hand, it's not that cliché either. The thing that surprised me the most, was the acting. It was truly breathtaking. First their was Kevin Kline, who gave an excellent performance as the dying George who wants to heal the relationship between him and his son. The son is amazingly performed by Hayden Christensen. His acting performance was without any doubt the most outstanding performance of the whole movie. His character, Sam, is introvert, extravagant and completely messed up.

George's plan for the summer is the built a house (a plan he has been postponing his whole life) and to do this with his son in order the "heal" their relationship. This movie has a brilliant cast. Besides Kline and Christensen, there's also Kristin Scott Thomas (The English Patient), Jena Malone (Donnie Darko) and Mary Steenbergen (Philadelphia). Furthermore this movie has a lot of brilliant scenes. For example, there's the scene where Sam asks his father how you can become something that you're not. Really amazing scene! Actually the whole movie is a sequence of brilliant scenes. I'm not going to mention them all, because that would take too long. The only thing I can add is: watch this movie! It's certainly worth your time!

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