For the See Food Lover in You!
4 July 2005
Up from the Depths, directed by Charles B. Griffith and "starring" Suzanne Reed and Sam Bottoms - alright I could put any names out there and would get the same recognition. This is one of Roger Corman's New World Picture rip-offs to exploit something that had been successful on screen. This time around we have a Jaws minus credible cast, story, special effects, etc... But this film never really tries taking itself too terribly seriously, and I found it much more in line with another Corman produced film called Piranha. Both films have just enough "comedy" in them to make them almost parodies of the killer fish genre films. Anyway, Up from the Depths is pretty bad. Its weakest point is a terrible script about some rubbery prehistoric fish that we never really get to see too closely attacking tourists at a tropical resort. The script just does not convey any real "threat" nor does it make us take any of the characters or situations all that seriously. Maybe, because the film tries hard at being funny that is why, but some menace is needed to make a film like this work. The actors are not very good either. Sam Bottoms? C'mon. The usual New World Picture format of needless(yet expressively photographed) nudity is here too. I have seen a lot worse films; however, then Up from the Depths. It is an entertaining "bad" film if nothing else. And as a former reviewer noted, this is one of those films that has an awesome poster - a poster that easily out-distances its film in terms of aesthetic quality.
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