It seemed like a good idea at the time...
4 July 2005
Being a major Kiss fan, even I can't justify this abomination! 'Kiss Meets The Phantom' is definitely a candidate for the "so-bad-it-was-good" category. The acting in this movie was about as abysmal as humanly possible, and I'm not even referring to the band! I'm talking about the "professional" actors they hired for this thing! Apart from Anthony Zerbe's somewhat credible performance as the evil Deveraux (sp?), the rest of these stiffs--especially the guys playing the cops/authority figures--couldn't act their way out of a paper bag! I can't say I blame Ace Frehley and Peter Criss for not showing up for filming and/or looping--they were smart enough to see what a travesty this thing was. This film is best viewed after a few stiff drinks--even I'd love to see the "MST3K" crew skewer this turkey!
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