Cats & Dogs (2001)
What is this?
7 July 2005
Warning: Spoilers
Spoilers within...though this movie is already spoiled.

Cats and Dogs is like one elementary math equation. Animals+Bad Director+Bad CG-Good Lines+Predictability-Humor+Stupidity+Bad Acting=Cats and Dogs

I didn't bother to watch it all: Occasionally I channel-surfed to see if there was anything better on (There was, but it wasn't interesting to me; I'm not a fan of Pooh Bear at this age). I went to the bathroom freely, got myself a soda, and didn't mind. Some parts that still stick with me (in my nightmares) are:Bad Matrix. Seeing terribly animated cats do the worst Matrix parodies is not high on my to do list. I also got a plot that I didn't understand. The 'bad' guy (of course a cat, all cats are evil while dogs are "man's best friend") like crams it into one half of a sentence, the other half being perhaps the corniest laugh I ever heard. This movie also had little humor, if any. In fact, I don't think I was supposed to laugh at the parts I did laugh at. (like how it looked when the 'evil' guy's HQ blew up) "Acting. We don't need no stinkin' acting." People make fun of how Jake Lloyd performed in Star Wars I. The kid in this...I wanted to see the opposite camera angle. I could probably read the cue cards. And finally, predictability. Okay, okay, I know that it's supposed to be sad, the little boy crying over his 'dead' dog. Had it not been for the fact that I saw it in a hotel and people might have been sleeping, I might have yelled, "THROW THE STUPID BEAST IN THE SNOW, YOU NITWIT! HE'S ASLEEP! JUST LIKE IN THE MOVIES! THAT'LL WAKE HIM UP!" And of course, the dog wakes up with a corny line. "You're my best friend too." Thank God I hadn't eaten earlier, or I might have vomited all over the room. Eww. Basically, this film earns a 1. The only thing I regret is that the IMDb doesn't give 1/2 stars.
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