I want to know how you're feeling, seriously.
12 July 2005
The most melodramatic piece of GARBAGE I've seen. This is the movie that makes men believe women are overly-dramatic, menstrual, and impossible to understand. It's a total generalization of women, as all the characters are typical stereotypes of lifetime watching, upper-middle class women with too much time on their hands and not enough brains in their heads. I felt absolutely no sympathy for any of these people, not even the one who couldn't have children. Boo hoo, I guess you'll just have to go get your hair done and buy yourself another Gucci suit.

I'm female by the way, and this vulgar display of feminine instability is insulting and untrue. Perhaps one of the worst scenes in this movie is shortly after the girls discover the tape they've been working so hard on has been destroyed and in an attempt to distract themselves they each find an area of their comfortable loft to clean and cry while cleaning products fly in the air. We also get gratuitous cleavage shots while vacuuming.

This movie is not about sex. It's about fakey women getting in touch with how incredibly self-involved they are as they revel in their mediocre problems. All this is done to soft, girly Lilith Fairesque music and soft camera lighting. Plus, as a special treat, all of these women are beautiful and have less than an ounce of fat on them. But you know how difficult life can be when you're beautiful and have little to worry about.
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