Essence of the Force (2002 Video)
Pretty good but is better done elsewhere (spoilers)
16 July 2005
Warning: Spoilers
A long time ago in a galaxy, blah, blah, blah. Episode Dew: Essence of the Force. A group of marauders have assaulted the peaceful planet of Doozadu, enabling their leader, the evil Mewey Maul (you've heard of his half brother) and his band of mercenaries to seek the planet's most prized possession…..the very essence of the Force. They have done this knowing fill well that the treasure is under the protection of the Jedi Order – w*nkers.

I can't be sure if this did it first or if Legacy of the Jedi did but suffice to say that if you have seen one then there is little point in seeing the other. The delivery at the start is just as good, with a serious/semi-serious start followed by action followed by a sudden "advert" joke. The action is good here, although it took a moment to get around the Jedi doing martial arts moves that much. It felt a bit cheap but it was exciting enough to cover this up. The delivery of the punchline needed to be strong to produce a good finish but it isn't and it makes the film feel like it has fallen flat. Compared to Legacy, it is poor because Legacy did the early stuff as well but then finished with the same joke delivered in a very funny and strong way; this film doesn't – it feels also apologetic and is more like to draw groans where Legacy drew laughs.

The actors are all pretty good in regards moves; the effects are good and the lighting and direction hides the fact that the set looks like a couple of bare walls painted with patches of black. Overall though I wasn't that impressed; mostly it is quite good but the really lacklustre delivery of the punchline drew the laughs out of it and gave it such a weak ending that it lessened the whole thing for me. Try Legacy of the Jedi instead – same ideas but delivered better.
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