Come on, Its a B-Horror Film, At Least Appreciate It
17 July 2005
I saw this movie a long time ago, around the time it first came out. Then almost a year after that, I bought it, just for the sake of a song they had on the menu.

I read a lot of people's reviews, and the movie was bashed. One of the reasons why I feel that it was bashed was because it's a B-horror film. I Despise B-movies, but, I have to admit, for a B-movie, this one was actually not TOO bad.

Sure, It was HORRIBLY acted, directed, scripted, and overall, just cheesy, but do realize, those elements can be total assets to a movie like this. That is why I enjoyed it. The death scenes were really cool yet cheesy. Also not to mention, The "fourty-niner" killer was not too bad. Unfortanetly, he wasn't original; He looked almost tied with The Creeper From Jeepers Creepers, and Rob Zombie.

The camera angles ticked me off, but it is a B-flick, and it is expected. I enjoyed what was made of it, even though it was POORLY made, even for a B-flick, because there are good B-flicks.

I'll still appreciate what it is. You cant just watch it expecting it to be amazing. It's one of those movies that you have to appreciate with what was made of it.
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