Incident in San Francisco (1971 TV Movie)
Richard Kiley is the ultimate anti-hero hero
14 July 2005
Long before Harrison Ford, Richard Kiley was a great "everyman" actor. He played fathers, lawyers, teachers and an occasional outlaw. But he's at his best playing an average joe. In this made-for-TV movie is just a guy who tried to do the right thing and intervene when he saw a fellow citizen being mugged. Now he's accused of a crime, and neither the police nor witnesses will speak on his behalf. He's risked everything and it looks as if he's going down. Chris Connelly, another good character actor, is great as the tenacious reporter who wants to believe Kiley. Also good is Tracey Reed as the trying-to-climb-out-of-the-ghetto daughter of one of the witnesses. The pacing of the movie is good--you feel the frustration of a man who stepped up and now has no one backing him up. You also taste the emotional roller-coaster--exhilaration, fear and indifference--that many of us associate with living in a big city where crime in a matter of course.
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