This is one of the most awful movies I've ever watched.
27 July 2005
Oh, heavens. This is one of the most awful movies I've ever watched. My friend Kevin worked at a video store, and would bring home a free movie every night. We marveled at his horrible taste -- each movie was worse than the last. Years later, however, The Dungeonmaster still stands out in my mind as the worst. It has seven directors and eight writers, and while I'm sure it was meant as a collaboration, it really feels like every ten minutes they decided, "Ugh! This is ghastly!" and got another director and writer to do the next segment, without there ever being any improvement. Even the wonderful Richard Moll as Mestema wasn't enough to save this train wreck of a movie. Go ahead and rent it if you love to revel in the awfulness of really terrible movies… otherwise you might be better off with some of the directors' later works like Troll or Puppet Master 5: The Final Chapter. Er, on second thought, maybe that's not such a good idea, either.
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