Great Fan Film!!!!
28 July 2005
"Sith Apprentice" is one of the greatest Star Wars fan films I have seen. I have long been a fan of Z Team Productions and their other fan films, such as "Darth Vader's Psychic Hotline." However this one is far and above my favorite. Not only do the costumes and digital effects impress for a fan film, but the physical actions of the actors help to convey the humor further. Filled with many pop culture references, some of which I did not catch until a second or third viewing, this film will appeal to Star Wars fans of any caliber, and probably to many non-fans as well. Also, the acting is excellent and really adds to the overall effect of the movie. In particular, new comer Patrick McCray does an excellent job as the notorious Count Dooku. This film deserves any award for which it is nominated, and was an extremely worthy choice as fan favorite for 2005. 10 out of 10 stars seems almost inappropriate so lets crank it up to 11. 11 out of 10 stars.
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