Plankton (1994 Video)
Amazing Trash
29 July 2005
Warning: Spoilers
I didn't expect anything amazing from this film. It was specifically bought on a late-night wander around Tesco on a hunt for something to amuse a group of five friends with. It was a toss up between Creatures of the Abyss or something to do with a leprechaun and some rappers. 'Creatures' won, solely for the expression on the face of the girl on the front cover, and the fact that none of us like rap.

We weren't disappointed with the result. We went expecting some atrocious acting, stupid plot, and something generally cheesy and terrible we could watch while drunk and laughing at it. It provided exactly that. It was a bit slow before any of the truly ridiculous incidents came along, but the actually-flying fish attaching itself to Random Girl #1's throat kicked off a roller-coaster of a time.

I found myself laughing so hard I couldn't breathe in a grand total of two incidents during the film - the first, Slightly-Branier Guy's rampage of the fish lab, destroying everything in sight with a large bone, randomly grunting all the way and showering Stupid Guy with random bits of lab as he cowered in the corner. Mostly the overblown nature of the scene, the aforementioned mad grunting (sound guys should have been fired) and the fact that this scene took up about five minutes of random destruction did it. Then there would be the Random Surviving Scientist who, it was pointed out, shared a surprising similarity to Billy Connelly and existed only to look scary and die at the end being pointless.

But the best scene was, indeed, the fish-man-sex scene. Random Girl #2 not realising that she was having sex with a fish was funny enough, but the eye-swallowing scene almost made me choke to death with laughter at just how ridiculous it all was.

Other highlights would include the truly bizarre range of different accents Stupid Guy chose to use, Random Girl #2 giving birth to a ship's worth of caviar, Random Girl #1 shooting herself in the head with a harpoon girl, and the expressions on the face of Random Girl #3 when she has tentacles coming out of her head.

Grotesque, ridiculous, and NO WAY made in 1994 for the general visual quality, if you're looking for a film so terrible you'll end up laughing at it, I'd recommend Creatures of the Abyss. Expect girls who are pretty much interchangeable, random nudity (on a freaky abandoned ship, girls get topless, look down at their breasts and say "I think I need a new bra." Scene over), terrible sound, and caviar.

Lots of caviar.
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