Review of Fall

Fall (1997)
The epitome of unintended humour.
5 August 2005
This paean to love-gone-awry is, without a doubt, the single talkiest, preachy, unintendedly hilarious movie reduced to cellulose. Presented under the guise of high-minded opinions of love, society, sacrifice, and truth, it is a self-indulgent muddle of kinky sex and dumb logic. The final scene alone bears watching, only to count how many times the "hero's" speech SHOULD have ended. There are at least three or four full-term pregnant pauses in which one expects to see the credits crawl, only to have him launch into another screed about his passion and his loss. Ugh. (Honorable mention for most endings in on ending is Lord of the Rings: Reurn of the King, which "ends" four or five time, but at least it was a great film.)
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