Review of Fall

Fall (1997)
Fall- Points of view and opinions
26 August 2005
Fall just goes to show that you can make a great movie, based on a story about emotions and dialog. You don't need the big name stars, special effects, stunts, and explosions. From a male perspective, I thought the movie was very believable. The movie was somewhat similar to my own life. These people that write reviews about hating the movie and how unbelievable it was, are obviously men that have never experienced that kind of passion and love. I can tell you without hurting my ego, that men involved with that kind of love and passion, do cry and do hug their pillow. I have dated models and do write poetry to, for, and about them. The average person holds this expectation of models and actresses that is unrealistic. They are normal people just like you and me. They just happen to look better. Most are really nice and sweet. It's amusing to read the reviews that say how unreal this movie is. If you feel that way so strongly, you have no passion and are most likely a miserable person to be around. This would be why you haven't experienced the love and passion expressed in Fall's story and it's words. It was a really good movie and I would recommend it to anyone.
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