Art for art's sake, and not very good art at that
27 August 2005
Films like this are the reason that independent film often gets such a bad rap. It's a messy, sloppy series of images which have very little relationship with each other, slapped together with some "biblical imagery" which is about as subtle as getting shot from point blank range with a shotgun, and with some of the most obnoxious, pretentious classical piano music lathered all over the top of everything.

The allegory is heavier than a copy of "A short guide to the Australian Taxation system", but despite the woeful film-making, this might have been tolerable if it weren't for acting. Not that I blame most of the actors, who don't seem to really want to be there, for the depths this movie plummets to, but when there's only about ten minutes of dialogue, you need to do better than a vaguely disinterested performance to make something of a film. As it is, the performances mean that it's very difficult to draw any links between the characters, or anything at all that's going on. This reduces the film to a series of disconnected scenes and shots, which will leave most viewers wondering what exactly is supposed to be going on.

I'm not even going to go into the pervasive nudity and the like, which has seemingly been added simply for the sake of having some pervasive nudity in the film. I'm no fundamentalist wowser, but if you're going to do things like that, please at least have a point to it.

Essentially though, this film is pretentious art for the sake of making a pretentious art film. This does not translate into a film that is worth watching at all. Avoid.
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