"I feel so helpless just sitting here watching." Having just watched Horror of the Blood Monsters I know how she feels, absolutely terrible.
29 August 2005
Warning: Spoilers
Horror of the Blood Monsters starts out by giving the impression that it's a Vampire film with some inane stupid narration (by someone called Brother Theodore apparently, uncredited) that claims Vampires are widespread on Earth & are slowly taking over the human race. These Vampires were created when alien Vampires landed on Earth centuries ago from the 'Spectrum Solar System' & that the infamous scientist Dr. Rynning (John Carradine) is heading a space expedition to the 'Spectrum Solar System' to do some research or something, I don't really care as Horror of the Blood Monsters is already as stupid as any film I've seen. So, Captain Steve Bryce (Bruce Powers), Bob (Fred Meyers), Willy (Joey Benson) & their glamorous assistant Linda (Britt Semad) together with Dr. Rynning take off in the XP-13, a state of the art spacecraft (well, as state of the art as you can get from a spacecraft made out of a washing up liquid bottle, some wires & painted silver). Not very well guided by Colonel Manning (Robert Dix) & a bird named Valerie (Vicki Volante) back on Earth they unfortunately hit a meteorite & are forced to land on an uncharted planet that suffers from 'Chromatic Radiation' which turns the sky different colours. Once safely landed the team come across various creatures & warring tribes. The encounter a woman named Lian Malian (Jennifer Bishop) whom they do a little DIY surgery on & are able to make understand & speak English perfectly. They must find a way to repair the XP-13, avoid all the hostile creatures, sort out the entire planets problems & make it back to earth safely...

Produced & directed by Al Adamson who also has a small role during the opening sequence as a Vampire, Horror of the Blood Monsters is as bad as you could possibly imagine & perhaps even worse. The script by Sue McNair has potential, isn't too bad in itself & even tries to add a moral message at the end but in the hands of the infamous Adamson Horror of the Blood Monsters is a real chore to sit through. The incompetence is astounding, lets start with the process 'Spectrum X' which means most of Horror of the Blood Monsters takes place in annoying colour tints, the entire screen is bleached a single colour & it got on my nerves so much it's untrue, I simply hated it & can't see anyone disagreeing. The film goes to great lengths explain this with the useless 'Chromotic Radiation' nonsense, in fact Horror of the Blood Monsters if full of stupid inane scientific babble which means nothing & Carradine's character is particularly guilty of this. None of the characters are developed & I hated them all, I never cared for anyone or was in the slightest bit interested in what happened to any of them. Adamson's direction is pathetic & he slows the film down to a snail's pace, he fails to create any sort of excitement or pace & the fights are so poorly choreographed their laughable & beyond tedious. Horror of the Blood Monsters uses different footage from various other films including One Million B.C. (1960), Unknown Island (1948), Robot Monster (1953), The Wizard of Mars (1965) & Tagani (1965) which is where the real reason for the 'Spectrum X' colour tinting is discovered because some of these films were Black and White so Adamson could just tint the whole screen one colour & it would match the rest of the film, brilliant stuff Al. The props like the wobbly aluminium painters ladder on a supposedly futuristic spacecraft, costumes, sets like the truly awful looking spacecraft which consists of a wooden table some old fashioned computers & some of the most basic chairs ever that appear to be two planks of wood nailed together, continuity with the XP-13 having taken off but the footage on the control rooms monitors suggest otherwise & those tribes all of a sudden are able to speak English, the special effects are as bad as anything I've seen & just about everything else are terrible, this is real bottom of the barrel stuff. The monsters are rubbish, there are some stupid looking bat-men, a half a crab man, I say half because he always remains half submerged in water so we never get to see below his waist & the Vampire cavemen have the most fake looking plastic fangs in film history. The acting is so bad it's hard to imagine it could be any worse even if they tried. I hated Horror of the Blood Monsters, sure it has a wonderful title but it is a really crap film. It bored me to tears & I couldn't wait for it to finish. Sci-Fi horror films don't come much worse & it's not even worth a watch in a so-bad-it's-good way either, avoid at all costs.
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