Awesome ride!!!
26 August 2005
Warning: Spoilers

OK this ride is so cool. Revenge Of The Mummy: The Ride was one of the greatest ideas ever.There are HUGE differences between the one in Orlando and Hollywood. (I haven't been on Hollywood but i watched the video and my friend went on it.) In Orlando, its significantly longer, and only goes backwards for a few seconds. Hollywood, is shorter and you go backwards for like half the ride. Also, they were both 40 million each but for some reason they made the Florida one like 10 times better yet on the site it gives Hollywood more credit...So here's Orlando's description in full.

First on Orlando, you load up into 16-seater mine cars and they slowly send you into the ride. The first thing you see is some mummified dude with a baseball hat on saying "Are you insane? Get outta here! The Curse is real!!!This whole place is a trap!" Imhotep pops out and says "With your souls I shall rule for all eternity" and you turn the corner into the Treasure Room. Imhotep's face pops up on the screen and says 'serve me and savor the treasure' and continues on with stuff like 'you refuse now pay the price' or something like that.

The whole room goes dark and soldier mummies pop up. Then he speaks ancient Egyptian while a wall is falling. Thats when you go into a room and scarabs start crawling all over the walls and you get propelled backwards and stop abruptly. The car starts to do a slow 180 and Imhotep's face appears again saying'only the Medjai can save you now, there's no escape, your end shall be mine!' and you shoot up this hill with his face screaming 'your souls are mine!' while green lights are flashing. On that drop you get some serious air time and then you go into some twists and turns with all kinds of immortal things popping up at you.

Soon you go up into this room with a screen and a woman with a mic behind it saying 'we hope you enjoyed your ride please stay seated...ahhhh' and she gets sucked dry. Imhotep's voice comes out saying 'prepare to fight for your souls hahaha DEATH IS ONLY THE BEGINNING!!!'(quote from movie, mummy fans)

he says that while the ceiling is being set on fire with REAL flames and you shoot off again down a hill with your picture being taken right before you get plunged into a ton of orange mist(perfect for a hot, humid Florida day!) and more twists and turns and your ever friendly immortal friends popping out at you again. Then you stop and Rick O'Connell comes up on the screen saying 'Hey welcome back, I hope you enjoyed yourself and i would too if i had my CUP OF COFFEE!!!...' a mummified hand reaches out and gives him a cup 'thank you...AHHHH' and hes sucked dry. you pull into the station and the operator claps for you and congratulates you for 'escaping the curse'.

So yeah as you can probably tell, I love this ride. When you get into the store, Sahara Traders, you should at least buy something. My Dad and I were going to buy a picture but for some reason we didn't. We got one on the Rock N' Roller-coaster in Disney. But back to Revenge of the Mummy, I bought an awesome t-shirt for it. They have some cool stuff in there. If only I had more money on me. Plus this ride gave me enjoyment in school. This girl really hates me now because for some reason she's scared to death of this ride(because of the scarabs) so I just have to say scarabs and she gets all freaked out. Yeah, I know long comment. Have fun! ~Amy N.
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