Review of Dirty Deeds

Dirty Deeds (2005)
Great Concept = Horrible Outcome
27 August 2005
SPOILERS!! Dirty Deeds is a mess of a movie. It strives to be like the great High School comedies of the past like American Pie, but in the end it falls flat on it's face without even starting. The jokes are far and few. And it seemed like the only people that would laugh at them are 12 year olds. But in a theater full of high school students not much comedy in the film is found amusing.

First off the movie deals with stereotypes that most high school don't have anymore. there are the villainous jocks, the wannabe gangstas, the goths that seem to always be on school grounds after dark, and there are the guys who want to prove to the jocks that they are not all that. The movie tries capture realistic high school but stereotypes stops that from ever happening. The first scene in the film made me lose all hope that this would be a somewhat good flick. A steroid infested jock drives on top of another person's car with his truck after having his parking stolen. Which is totally stupid and unbelievable.

The actors either overacted or did not act at all. The lead characters looked like they were reading from cue cards the entire time. And the secondary characters acted like they were in a lead role because the timing of their face reactions and emotions were way off. for instance the guy who hosted the party had his eyebrows move in all directions anytime the camera was on him, which again stole any realism from the film. Also there was the guy who was "suppose to" play a huge wrestling team captain, but his end result was the Incredible Hulk on crack.

To make matters worse the deeds themselves end up to be totally retarded. One of them is to steal a corpse from the morgue and put it in the middle of the field. Another was to steal an expensive car. What person in the right mind would do stupid things like this. Because in the end the cops are going to find out that he committed these crimes for the sheer fact that you name is going to be plastered everywhere around the school the next day. The movie leaves you with more questions than answers. and believe me there are NO answers for this movie. The end is completely stupid for the fact that the mob "somehow" gets involved and blows the entire movie out of proportion.

One ad campaign for this film read that it was "American Pie on Speed" Ans it is true it is American Pie on speed, crack and every other drug and the end result is one hangover of a film. The movie gets lost in it's own concept that I could find no one who enjoyed this movie.

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