Review of The Grubbs

The Grubbs (2002– )
Thought 'The Grubbs' hysterically funny
29 August 2005
Warning: Spoilers
I like sophisticated humor as well as the next person, comedies such as Frasier, Friends, The Simpsons among a few others, which display genuine integrity. I'm only venturing a review here, seeing the excruciatingly negative review from Canada, when I came by IMDb to review better details on my recent folly, "the Grubbs", which is all about being anything but sophisticated!

These days proper, well conceived humor is kind of rare in sitcoms, where the original idea is to "entertajn" the viewer with new angles and not "bore" you to the limit, where you consider if TV Shopping isn't really more interesting, because at least there they sell lots of spam indiscriminately and obviously!

I have only seen 2 episodes, I admit, but made me burst out with such loud and uncontrollable laughter in the middle of an otherwise silent night, I managed to wake up the house on both occasions.. Sadly it's being shown at a very late hour here, so I might not get to see it regularly, noise levels might be another prohibiting factor, but it's fairly original, punts are awesome and served cool and has that rare but needed quality, integrity.. A good cast and, thx Randy for portraying a professional 'spot on', nice one. I might be biased but then Randy always was always a great yob, and I think it's because he likes it and thats a clue here! A cast giving a good performance because they and everyone else 'seems' to enjoy the material and are not trying to mimic the lot in Friends or any other big box sitcom. Give it a look, you might agree, if not, humor is probably distributed somewhere else.
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