The Stunt Man (1927)
Crash Test Dummy
11 September 2005
Warning: Spoilers
This was one of Larry Semon's last shorts. He would make three more and die the following year of a combination of tuberculosis and a nervous breakdown.

Although it is apparent that Semon spent a goodly amount of money on this picture -- props, miniatures and explosions were not cheap, even in 1928 -- neither story construction nor character were Semon's strong points and by this point, you needed both to make a good comedy.

The story is a simple one: Semon wants to marry the girl, but she doesn't want to marry him. So she tells him she will only marry a "famous movie star". Semon goes to a movie studio, where he is given a job as a stunt man, which he fouls up. He is fired but can't get off the lot without getting caught in a series of bigger and bigger stunts. When it's over, the girl he wants to marry shows up, conveniently enough. "Will you marry me now?" "No," she says and that's the end.

The stunts are fouled up in a straightforward way, but without much in the way of verve. The net effect is uninteresting.

I should say that they are uninteresting to me. I don't find Semon particularly funny, but he seems to play very well to a large audience, particularly if there are small children in the audience. So if you are a small child, you might enjoy this.
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