Typical budget ninja movie!
24 September 2005
For a start I do not recommend watching this movie sober. The movie follows the battle for the "Golden Ninja Warrior" by three (quite girly) ninjas; with some random martial arts thrown in as well.

The fighting itself is alright, with some neat acrobatics, though there are clear shots where kicks do not make contact. The dubbing is just awful, even when the characters appear to be mouthing in English.

The directing though is a little weird, like the occasional slow motion shots that actually have little action in them, or the weird bit where about 2 minutes of screen time is devoted to choosing swimsuits and dresses for a catalogue that seems to have no relevance to the rest of the film. This could easily have been 20 minutes shorter if they cut out redundant scenes.

The second worst element though is the plot. I don't want to spoil it, but it would be difficult even if I could because the last 15 minutes (even compared to the rest of the film) made absolutely no sense to me at all.

The worst element though is the music, never have I actually heard music that has forced me to hit the mute button until this film; in fact, it may not be a bad idea to have mute on for the whole of the film (except perhaps for the apparently random sex scenes).

This is a movie to watch with friends, but only because it's more fun to laugh at this atrocious piece of budget movie in company.
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