Unendurable kiddie-horror sequel
12 October 2005
Okay, "The Gate" was a remotely interesting little film but we can't have too much of this silly child-horror nonsense now, can we? Part two is a thoroughly dull and unknown (with reason!) sequel that adds nothing at all. For no reason whatsoever, "star" of the original Louis Tripp (looking like an early version of Harry Potter) restarts digging in the monstrous demon-hole, and he discovers that the little critters inside have the power to fulfill wishes. So he and three other, very stupid teenagers eventually face the not-so-pleasant consequences of messing around with ancient demons. After an uneventful first half, the script becomes really ridiculous, with the male teens turning into demons themselves, trying to sacrifice the girl teen… Or something like that. The characters are lame, the dialogues sophomoric and – once again – director Tibor Takàks stupidly pretends that it's a serious horror film. Nothing to recommend here
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