Oliver Twist (2005)
good version
22 October 2005
First of all I'd like to say that the scenery, clothes, sets etc where amazing and put you immediately in the right atmosphere. The acting was really good and it all adds up to a good movie. What put me off was the music. Being a huge fan of the musical version I was all the time expecting a song to come up... this was very close to the original version in many ways but I always felt a slight unconscious disappointment when the songs didn't show up. The songs where such a huge part of the original one that they completed it.

Roman Polanski did manage to fill the void in most of the parts. And he did this with the help of the actors. I did find Fagin very good even if I found it difficult to understand him at times. The artful dodger was great!!! But my favorite one for sure was Bill Sykes, I was honestly terrified of him (and his dog...)!!! I was a bit disappointed in Nancy... I found her a bit too young amongst other things. All in all good movie, I strongly suggest it to those who unlike me don't have the musical version imprinted in their minds.
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