a Disney short
6 November 2005
'Chicken Little' is a Disney short about the story of a chick who thinks that the sky is falling, and no one believes him. I remember watching this when I was very young -- they used to show this on the Disney channel along with their other older cartoons and cartoon shorts. (I'm not sure if they still show it or not, but Disney have seemed to have moved away from showing their older cartoons.)

Generally-speaking, this was a typical Disney animated story featuring a cute little chick and a basic storyline. As it has been years since I saw this, I don't remember too much about it other than the little chick running around saying that the sky was falling, over and over again...and no one believed him. I've since read that there were some political motives behind this cartoon, but I didn't know that when I watched it as a child.

I just recently discovered that Disney are going to be reviving / remaking Chicken Little. I hope there are no bird flu jokes.
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