"You Have Had the Misfortune of Encountering Mango"
12 November 2005
Warning: Spoilers
No doubt about it. This film is very bad - very, very bad. But it, as other viewers have noted, is also a very watchable and fun bad movie. Alex D'Arcy and Paula Raymond play Count and Countess Dracula. They live in a castle in the middle of the Californian desert where their servants collect wandering beauties for the blood they can supply the vampires and as eventual sacrifices for the god Luna or Mango, a hideously deformed hunchbacked mute, to use in his bed. I'm sure either way they are crushed - or fired up at the very least. John Carradine lends his name cachet as George the family retainer, and for Carradine he gives a restrained performance mostly. He spouts lines with the best making the most out of any old tripe. D'Arcy looks way too sensitive and weak to play Dracula. He almost appears to lisp. Raymond isn't much better as both look like they just got back from watching polo. Along for the ride in the family way is Johnny, played by Robert Dix the son of Richard Dix, who just escapes from prison and enjoys killing anything that moves. Just getting to the castle he kills one guard, a beauty swimming by herself in a stream, shoots a man trying to hitch a ride, and then drives a car over a deep cavern cliff with its owner recovering from a blow in the backseat. He says several times in the movie that when the moon comes out he gets a desire to kill...hmmmm. Anyway, this film is a real hoot for fans of le bad cinema. It has hokey dialog like Carradine's opening line to a girl being carried in on the back of Mango from the opening sequence(with a very catchy tune playing as another reviewer noted). He looks deadly serious and then says, "You have had the misfortune of encountering Mango." He then takes a blood sample. She looks disinterested and then, as if on cue, breaks down. At least she had her looks going for her. The two main leads are played by...like it really matters. One is a beautiful woman with her dolt of a fiancée seeing the castle as property they just inherited. You can guess where the story goes from there. Some bright spots of incompetence or interest include the death scene for Mango - wow! I never thought he would die. Johnny gleefully laughing as he murders. The chained blood bank in the basement. Ms. Bishop in a two-piece at Sea World. Carradine spouting his loyalty to the moon god Luna. And my favourite - the end of D'Arcy and Raymond in what has to be the most passive end to Count Dracula. This film, as I said before, is very bad, but if you like fun bad movies then this one is for you. It was directed by Al Adamson, and almost all his movies are real bad but almost all are very enjoyable. That cannot be said for everyone to be sure.
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