The Christmas Tree (1996 TV Movie)
Sentimental? Well, YEAH!
13 November 2005
Some movies just stick with you. You continue thinking of them, being reminded of them, for years to come.

'The Christmas Tree,' directed by Sally Field, starring Julie Harris, is one of those movies.

Why it has not been re-shown on TV since its 1996 debut, I do not understand. Why is it not available for sale or rent anywhere, I do not know.

Tree is about a young girl who is an orphan, living in a convent. Her special friend is a tree, to whom she takes all her joys and sorrows. During the course of the movie, her early history is revealed, as well as a glorious future for Tree.

Some might call it sentimental, but isn't that a lot of what Christmas is about? I haven't looked at a tree quite the same way since.
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